Noodle Bowl Series: A Fusion of Mixed Media, Mark Making & Asian-Inspired Elements
Who doesn’t love noodles? Inspiration often comes from the most unexpected places, and for this series, it all started when I discovered a bag of antique Asian fan fragments at a vintage market. Their intricate details and aged beauty instantly sparked my creativity—I envisioned them as chopsticks, perfectly complementing my doodle-like mark-making patterns that resembled swirling noodles.
This collection of mixed media art brings together stitching on paper, gold leafing, encaustic techniques, and hole punching, all on kitakata paper—a delicate material with rich texture, natural wrinkles, and deckled edges. By embracing spontaneity in the studio, I’ve transformed these diverse materials into dynamic, abstract compositions that blur the line between 2D and 3D art.
For optimal display, I recommend floating the artwork in a frame to highlight its dimensional qualities.
These original works are available for purchase. Contact me for details.